Tuesday, June 17, 2014

DIY {Wedding}

Good Morning!
I am so excited it is only a four day work week for me! On Friday Ryan, myself, and a group of friends leave for a weekend in West Virginia.
Now to the wedding talk, I came across this great idea for my wedding that I just had to share. Our wedding is country, rustic theme and I have been looking everywhere for the tin tubs for drinks, but nothing was in my price range. So....while on my daily dose of Pinterest I found this DIY tin tub project that is inexpensive. You take dollar store plastic tubs, metallic spray paint and make your own! I am hoping to make a stop at the Dollar Tree on the way home to pick up some plastic tubs. Since our wedding is not for some time, I am going to try to get a few done for our family party in a few weeks.
Stay tuned to see how my finished product turns out!

Take plastic bins from the dollar store and upgrade them using metallic spray paint to give them a "tin" finish. Perhaps this would be a great thing for favors or other such things.
{You can find it here on my Pinterest}
Thanks for reading and feel free to leave a comment!


  1. You don't know me, but I found your blog through my friend Ashley's blog. I just wanted to say that those tubs are so cute! I never did any DIY's before I got married last year, but man, that wedding brought out the crafty in me. I'd love to see a finished product when you have one! I love all things rustic these days (actually I have an Etsy shop based around rustic wedding flowers. If you still need wedding flowers and want to take a peek, it's called LavenderLark.).

    Such a cute blog you've got here! I'm excited to read more!

    Laura -- simpletonpleasures.blogspot.com

  2. Thank you so much for commenting on my blog. I will be sure to post about the DIY tin tub look alike! I love DIY projects and my goal is to post them as I do them. I will have to stop by your Etsy shop to look around, thanks! It is always nice to hear from readers, I appreciate you stopping by my blog! =)

  3. These turned out amazing!! Super impressed!

