Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Catching Up

My, oh, my!
I have truly missed my blog in this short time. I needed a way out, but between starting my new job, being in physical therapy and doing things around the house, time got away from me. So I figured I would get some thoughts out while I have some time.

I started my new job last week and while it was a rough start the first two days, I made it through orientation and started my training. I can honestly say that I really like what I am doing and I really think I will continue to like it. this new job has truly been a blessing from the Lord himself. My drive time has gone from an hour and half, now to thirty minutes. On Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays I go to my mom's gym for a morning workout and then head to work, and on Mondays and Fridays I am able to get a lot done around the house to help free up my weekends. I can literally feel the stress melt away since having this job. I am so grateful!

In other news... Ryan has started the process for adding a patio outback and redoing our walk way. Everything should be done Saturday. I must say, that I am looking forward to enjoying meals out back on the patio this Spring and well into the Fall.

Since we will be moving the grill from the deck to the patio, this frees up the deck for me to add two chairs and a small table. I can now enjoying my morning coffee and my book with the open room. Speaking of chairs and table for the deck... I have my eye on chairs and a table at Target that I am just waiting and hoping they go on sale. Whoever said "Diamonds are a girl's best friend," had clearly never been to Target. Pretty much everything at Target is a girl's best friend; at least in my opinion.

Threshold™ Afton 2-Piece Metal Stacking Patio Chair Set
And of course I will need to add some navy blue or mint blue pillows for comfort ;)

Now that I am settling into my new career, I hope that I can keep up with the blog and all of my favorite bloggers.

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